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Running Towards the Fire

As a startup founder — or anyone doing hard things — the path is often riddled with obstacles, uncertainty, and...
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Shape podcast 40 min LISTEN

How to Build a Venture Studio with Ben Yoskovitz, Founding Partner at Highline Beta

Accelerator, Incubator, Venture Capital, Venture Studio? There are a lot of ways to get a new startup off the ground....
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Shape podcast 40 min LISTEN

Overcoming the Illusion of Innovation with Elliott Parker, CEO of High Alpha Innovation

The innovative spirit of startups is one of their strengths, something that seems to disappear as a company matures. Does...
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Shape blog 12 min READ

Creating New Markets

Creating a new market involves more than just developing a new product or service; it requires convincing the majority to...
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Shape podcast 37 min LISTEN

The Power of Fractional Leadership with Renee Hawkins, Woman of the Year 2021

What problem are you trying to solve? Is it even the right one? In this episode of Unlearn, host Barry...
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Shape podcast 45 min LISTEN

The Thriving Team Playbook with Dom Price, Work Futurist at Atlassian

They say those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. As true a statement as it...
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I've written two international bestsellers

Unlearn: Let Go of Past Success to Achieve Extraordinary Results, and co-authored Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale

Shape blog 5 min READ

Overcoming Rejection: A Guide for Entrepreneurs on Raising Capital

If there’s one question I always get it’s, “How do you approach raising capital?” The ability to secure the necessary...
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Shape podcast 54 min LISTEN

From Code to Climate with Adrian Cockcroft

How can the lessons learned from a childhood of tinkering and a career influenced by tech visionaries like Bill Joy...
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Shape podcast 28 min LISTEN

The Provocative Power of Imperfection with Connie Kwan

Connie Kwan is a seasoned product and marketing expert with over two decades of experience in a variety of fields....
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Shape podcast 39 min LISTEN

The Future of Education with Sahra-Josephine Hjorth

Sahra-Josephine Hjorth, co-founder and CEO of CanopyLab, joins Barry O’Reilly on this episode of the Unlearn Podcast to explore the...
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Shape blog 5 min READ

The Most Important Skill for Startups

In the dynamic world of startups, success often hinges on the ability to navigate uncertainty, figure out tough situations and...
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Shape podcast 36 min LISTEN

Negotiation Made Simple with Dr John Lowry

Dr. John Lowry, CEO of Thrivence, a management consulting firm based in Nashville, TN, joins Barry O’Reilly on this episode...
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